A wire balustrade is the use of wire or cable to form a protective barrier used on decks, landings or staircases with a fall of 1 to 4 metres.
Wire balustrade can be used as an alternative to glass or full timber balustrade.
We use high-quality stainless steel wire balustrade hardware that is suitable for indoor and outdoor applications. We have a variety of fixing options for metal and timber posts, suitable for staircases, balconies and decking areas including vertical wire balustrade systems.
Our stainless steel rigging wire and fittings are marine grade 304 and 316, making our balustrade hardware suitable for coastal installations. Our balustrade wire is available in 304 and 316 stainless steel, with options for the premium ProRig wire rope or the economy version ECON.
All our wire balustrade systems use high quality AISI 316 stainless steel components and are available for timber or steel posts, walls or panels. If you require stainless steel posts to complement your wire balustrade project or need to meet national wire balustrade system standards.